The God is not Dead Yet...

Blog Post during pandemic expressing views on news, This Era was called the most modern and advanced, up till recently prior this epidemic.
1 min read

In these times of Pandemic, where everyone is uncertain what is yet to come where everyone is uncertain what is yet to come!!

Various issues are erupting among societies, whether it be economic crisis, psychological crisis among masses or the blame games being played by our Pillars of Society.

This Era was called the most modern and advanced, up till recently prior this epidemic. where we were on the verge of using modern science in the evolution of humanity.
For Instance

There are various others happening going on, to defeat God by Humans, But this pandemic flushed and ruined all the progress made this far, every wheel of life is stuck. it's like a warning by The God to the rulers class to step back from their deadly inventions and serve humanity as ordered by God through His Messengers.

On one hand where Rulers Class is trying to cope up with this pandemic, they are also trying to raise their voice for Mercy from God. while doing so, certain blame game is being nurtured.

Now I would like to leave you with few videos on the issue going on in our society :

Video by Waqqar Zaka


 Another one: A Video by Rauf Klasra:

One more: by Mubashir Lucman:

Well i think that's enough for today, but after seeing all this I am getting more close to God by praising that God is not dead yet... Thank You God :)

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