Rollercoaster Life during COVID-19 Pandemic

Its a blog about views on News, Post Pandemic Lifestyle is going to be much different then it was earlier as we were used to have.

Rollercoaster Life during COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid 19 Poster Image

As the time is passing by, there are certain advancement happenings in the world, Like:

  • Raise in Cycle Sales worldwide
  • Record Increase in Digital Media subscriptions Like Netflix and Disney +  
  • Digital Media, E-Commerce and Internet Service Providers are experiencing their Peaks
  • Online Training and Jobs are in huge Circulation
  • Nature atmosphere is getting Clean & Pure
  • Wildlife is Enjoying 
  • Crude Oil Prices dipped Negative worldwide 
  • Sports and Recreational Facilities are at Halt

Post Pandemic Lifestyle is going to be much different then it was earlier as we were used to have. Things are not much clear so far, and time is also waiting to explore itself. Humans are seeing themselves ruthlessly smashed by an invisible Virus Corona. Various conspiracies have been formed, and the blame game is going on & on.

Whereas on the other side people are trying to indulge them into various activities to cope up with their time. they are trying to find fun under these circumstances by either exercising, spending leisure time with their kids, or watching movies and creating music stuff. In a nut shell, Social Media is on Fire these days...

Social Distancing is there but Bonds are getting closer too like they were never before. Hope to have sorted out all well Soon, INSHALLAH

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