Oppenheimer Movie Quotes

Famous and Interesting Quotes from the historic biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer. Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes Thumbnail

After reviewing Oppenheimer Movie, the historic biographical content demanded to work with its interesting Quotes, Dialogues and Movie Lines.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes 

Prometheus stole Fire from the gods and gave it to Man. For this he was chained to a Rock and tortured for Eternity.

Prometheus stole Fire from the gods and gave it to Man. For this he was chained to a Rock and tortured for Eternity.

Lewis Strauss: Amateurs seek the sun. Get eaten. Power stays in the shadows.

Lewis Strauss: Amateurs seek the sun. Get eaten. Power stays in the shadows.

Lewis Strauss: Amateurs seek the sun. Get eaten. Power stays in the shadows.

J. Robert Oppenheimer Quotes from the Movie.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: They won't fear it until they understand it. And they won't understand it until they've used it. Theory will take you only so far.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I don't know if we can be trusted with such a Weapon. But I know the Nazis can't.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I don't know if we can be trusted with such a Weapon. But I know the Nazis can't.

Albert Einstein Quotes from Oppenheimer Movie

Albert Einstein: When they've punished you enough, they'll serve you salmon and potato salad, make speeches, give you a medal, and pat you in the back telling all is forgiven. Just remember, it won't be for you... it would be for them.

Kitty Oppenheimer Quotes

Kitty Oppenheimer: You don't get to commit sin, and then ask all of us to feel sorry for you when there are consequences.

Isidor Rabi Quotes from Oppenheimer Movie

Isidor Rabi: You drop a bomb, and it falls on the just and the unjust. I don't wish the culmination of three centuries of physics to be a weapon of mass destruction.

Lewis Strauss Quotes from Oppenheimer Movie

Lewis Strauss: Genius is no guarantee of wisdom. How could this man who saw so much be so blind?

Kitty Oppenheimer Quotes

Kitty Oppenheimer: You think because you let them tar and feather you that the world will forgive you? They won't.

Edward Teller: Would the Japanese surrender if they knew what was coming?

Edward Teller: Would the Japanese surrender if they knew what was coming?

Edward Teller: Would the Japanese surrender if they knew what was coming?

Kitty Oppenheimer - Movie Quotes

Kitty Oppenheimer: The world is changing. Reforming. This is your moment.

Niels Bohr: [From Trailer] You are the man who gave them the power to destroy themselves. And the world is not prepared.

Niels Bohr: [From Trailer] You are the man who gave them the power to destroy themselves. And the world is not prepared.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [From the first trailer] We imagine a future, and our imaginings horrify us.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [From the first trailer] We imagine a future, and our imaginings horrify us.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Is anyone ever going to tell the truth about what's happening here?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Is anyone ever going to tell the truth about what's happening here?

Jean Tatlock: At least you didn't bring me flowers.

Jean Tatlock: At least you didn't bring me flowers.

[Oppenheimer then reaches into his jacket, and pulls out a bunch of flowers]

Isidor Rabi: A prophet isn't allowed to be wrong. Not once.

Isidor Rabi: A prophet isn't allowed to be wrong. Not once.

Niels Bohr's Historic Quote from Oppenheimer Movie

Niels Bohr: We have to make the politicians understand this isn't a new weapon. It's a new world. I'll be out there doing what I can but you, you are an American Prometheus. The man who gave them the power to destroy themselves. And they'll respect that. And your works really begins soon.

Isidor Rabi: They need us for who we are, so be yourself... only better.

Isidor Rabi: They need us for who we are, so be yourself... only better.

Albert Einstein: Robert, this is not mine, it's yours.

Albert Einstein: Robert, this is not mine, it's yours.

Leslie Groves: And Robert? Try not to blow up the world.

Leslie Groves: And Robert? Try not to blow up the world.

Oppenheimer Movie Quote

Lewis Strauss: Oppenheimer wanted to own the atomic bomb. He wanted to be the man who moved the Earth. He talks about putting the nuclear genie back in the bottle. Well I'm here to tell you that I *know* J. Robert Oppenheimer, and if he could do it all over, he'd do it all the same. You know he's never once said that he regrets Hiroshima? He'd do it all over. Why? Because it made him the most important man who ever lived.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I know what it means if the Nazis have a Bomb!

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I know what it means if the Nazis have a Bomb!

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I know what it means if the Nazis have a Bomb!

Jean Tatlock and Oppenheimer Talks

Jean Tatlock: Don't alienate the only people in the world that understand what you do. One day you may need them.

Kitty Oppenheimer: The truly vindictive are patient as saints.

Kitty Oppenheimer: The truly vindictive are patient as saints.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Pillar of Fire...

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Pillar of Fire...

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Pillar of Fire...

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A Pillar of Fire...

J. Robert Oppenheimer: These things are hard on your heart.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: These things are hard on your heart.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: These things are hard on your heart.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes

Henry Stimson: The firestorm in Tokyo killed 100,000 people. Mostly civilians. I worry about America when we do these things and no one protests.

Kurt Gödel: Trees are the most inspiring structures.

Kurt Gödel: Trees are the most inspiring structures.

Kitty Oppenheimer: All it needs is a saloon.

Kitty Oppenheimer: All it needs is a saloon.

Kitty Oppenheimer expresses her Anger.

Kitty Oppenheimer: You shook his fucking hand? Oh... I would've spit in his face.

Oppenheimer Movie Quote

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, a fool or an adolescent presumes to know someone else's relationship, and you're neither, Lloyd.

Henry Stimson showing Moral Standards while choosing a city to attack.

Henry Stimson: [Speaking at discussion on which cities to target for the atomic bomb] We have a list of 12 cities to choose from.


Henry Stimson: I'm sorry, 11. I've taken Kyoto off the list due to its cultural significance to the Japanese people. Also, my wife and I honeymooned there. It's a magnificent city.

The World will remember this Day!

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [to crowd at Los Alamos after the successful Trinity test]  
The World will remember this Day!

You can lift the Rock without being ready for the snake that's revealed.

Niels Bohr: [Meeting Oppenheimer in Patrick Blackett's lab the morning after Bohr's lecture] 
You can lift the Rock without being ready for the Snake that's revealed.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes

Edward Teller: [after Oppenheimer refuses to back Teller's request for support on getting the government to continue his research on developing the hydrogen bomb] J. Robert Oppenheimer, Sphinx-like Guru of the Atom. Nobody knows what you believe. Do you?

Haakon Chevalier: Selfish, awful people, they don't know they're selfish and awful.

Haakon Chevalier: Selfish, awful people, they don't know they're selfish and awful.

Leslie Groves: Robert, we've given them an Ace. It's for them to play the hand.

Leslie Groves: Robert, we've given them an Ace. It's for them to play the hand.

The World will remember this Day.

Rossi Lomanitz: [to Oppenheimer after their black hole paper is published] The World will remember this Day.

Let him go. He's a prima donna.

Hans Bethe: [after Teller walks out after a dispute with Hans Bethe and others] 
Let him go. He's a prima donna.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The World will remember this Day.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The World will remember this Day.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The World will remember this Day.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The World will remember this Day.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The World will remember this Day.

Extra Movie Lines :

Ernest Lawrence: Theory will take you only so far.


Lewis Strauss: The man who moved the Earth.


J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, in one hour and fifty eight minutes, we'll know!


Kitty Oppenheimer: And I have believed this since I left the Party. Sixteen years ago- seventeen years ago, my mistake.

[she pauses]

Kitty Oppenheimer: Sorry, eighteen. Eighteen years ago.


J. Robert Oppenheimer: [to Lominitz, repeated line] You're going to be okay.


[Repeated line]

Hans Bethe: Fuchs, head down.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogues

Dangerous Talks between Oppenheimer and Einstein.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Albert? When I came to you with those calculations, we thought we might start a chain reaction that would destroy the entire world...

Albert Einstein: I remember it well. What of it?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I believe we did. 

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Since when are you British?

Klaus Fuchs: Since Hitler told me I wasn't German.

Niels Bohr and Oppenheimer Talking about the results after using A-Bomb.

Niels Bohr: Is it big enough?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: To end the war?

Niels Bohr: To end all war.

Harry Truman gets annoyed after meeting Oppenheimer

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Mr. President. I feel that I have blood on my hands.

Harry Truman: [tauntingly pulls out his pocket square and waves it in front of Oppenheimer] You think anyone in Hiroshima or Nagasaki gives a shit who built the bomb? They care who dropped it. I did. Hiroshima isn't about you.

Harry Truman: [after Oppenheimer leaves] Don't let that crybaby back in here.

Interesting Chat between Niels Bohr and Oppenheimer

Niels Bohr: Algebra's like sheet music, the important thing isn't can you read music, it's can you hear it. Can you hear the music, Robert?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Yes, I can.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: They need us.

Luis Alvarez: Until they don't.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues.

Edward Condon: Why would we move out to the middle of the desert for two to three years?

Leslie Groves: Why? How about because this is the most important fucking thing to ever happen in the history of the world!

Oppenheimer Movie Talks

Lewis Strauss: He turned the scientists against me, one by one, starting with Einstein. I told you about that. Einstein. Einstein by the pond.

Senate Aide: You did, but you know, sir, since nobody... really knows what they said to each other that day, is it possible they didn't talk about you at all? Is it possible they spoke about something, uh... more important?

Oppenheimer expresses his surety to get Nobel Prize for his invention of Atomic Bomb

Leslie Groves: A Nobel Prize for making a bomb?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

Oppenheimer Movie Talks

Leslie Groves: What do we call the test?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Batter my heart, three-person'd God.

Leslie Groves: What?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Trinity.

Ernest Lawrence signifies Oppenheimer about his Important

Ernest Lawrence signifies Oppenheimer about his Important

Ernest Lawrence signifies Oppenheimer about his Important

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Why would they care what I do?

Ernest Lawrence: Because you're not just self-important, you're actually important.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues.

Haakon Chevalier: Do stars die?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, if they do, they'd cool, then collapse. In fact, the bigger the star, the more violent its demise. Their gravity gets so concentrated, it swallows everything.

Interesting talks between Oppi and Kitty.

Interesting talks between Oppi and Kitty

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [At their first meeting] Are you married?

Kitty Oppenheimer: Not very much.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogues between Jean and Oppi..

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Why limit yourself to one dogma?

Jean Tatlock: You're a physicist. You pick and choose rules? Or do you use the discipline to channel your energies into progress?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I like a little wiggle room. You always toe the party line?

Jean Tatlock: I like my wiggle room, too.

Oppenheimer telling Truman to give Los Alamos back to Indian after their Test.

Harry Truman: I hear you're leaving Los Alamos. What should we do with it?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Give it back to the Indians.

Albert Einstein bewares Oppenheimer about the chain reaction due to Atomic Bomb.

Albert Einstein: [Referring to Teller's calculations that there's a possibility that a chain reaction might not stop and subsequently destroy the Earth] Well, you'll get to the truth.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: And if the truth is catastrophic?

Albert Einstein: Then you stop and you share your findings with the Nazis so neither side destroys the world.

Oppenheimer explaining Quantum Mechanics to Kitty Oppenheimer

Kitty Oppenheimer: Can you explain quantum mechanics to me?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, this glass, this drink, this counter top, uhh.. our bodies, all of it. It's mostly empty space. Groupings of tiny energy waves bound together.

Kitty Oppenheimer: By what?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Forces of attraction strong enough to convince us matter is solid, to stop my body passing through yours.

[gently places his palm against hers]

Oppenheimer Boasting about his resources in Oppenheimer Movie

Kenneth Bainbridge: I'm not a soldier, Oppie

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A soldier?

[Points Finger at Groves]

J. Robert Oppenheimer: He's a General. I've got all the soldier I need

Selfish, awful people don't know they're selfish and awful people.

Selfish, awful people don't know they're selfish and awful people.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: We're selfish, awful people.

Haakon Chevalier: Selfish, awful people don't know they're selfish awful people.

Leslie Groves in a hurry to build Los Alamos for Oppenheimer

Leslie Groves: Build him a town, fast.

[to Oppenheimer]

Leslie Groves: Let's go recruit some scientists.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues

Roger Robb: Under the current AEC guidelines, would you clear Dr. Oppenheimer today?

Leslie Groves: Under my interpretation of the Atomic Energy Act, which did not exist when I hired Dr. Oppenheimer in 1942, I would not clear him today if I were on the Commission.

Roger Robb: Good. Thank you, General. That is all.

Leslie Groves: But I don't think I'd clear any of those guys. 

Oppenheimer trying to get Bohr out of Denmark in Oppenheimer Movie Talks

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Is there any chance of getting Bohr out of Denmark?

Leslie Groves: Yeah, no dice. I checked with the British. Until we get Allied boots back onto the continent, there's just no way. Is he that important?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: How many people do you know proved Einstein wrong?

James Byrnes clarifies Vannevar Bush's misunderstandings in Oppenheimer Movie

James Byrnes clarifies Vannevar Bush's misunderstandings in Oppenheimer Movie

Vannevar Bush: Secrecy won't stop the Soviets from becoming part of the atomic world.

James Byrnes: We've been told they have no uranium.

Vannevar Bush: You've been misinformed. A Russian bomb is a matter of time.

Roger Robb and Oppenheimer talks about consequences of the Atomic Bomb

Roger Robb: [while confronting Oppenheimer about Atomic Bomb] And wouldn't the Russians do anything to increase their strength?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: If we did it, they would have to do it! Our efforts would have only fueled their efforts just as it had with the atomic bomb!

Roger Robb: Just as it had with the atomic bomb! Exactly!

Kitty Oppenheimer gets uncomfortable during Investigation

Roger Robb: Would it be fair to say that this meant that by 1942 he had not stopped having anything to do with the Communist Party? You don't have to answer that yes or no. You can answer any way you wish.

Kitty Oppenheimer: I know that. Thank you. But the question isn't properly phrased.

Roger Robb: Do you understand what I am trying to get at?

Kitty Oppenheimer: Yes, I do.

Roger Robb: Why don't you answer it that way?

Kitty Oppenheimer: I don't like the phrase 'having anything to do with the Communist Party' because Robert never had anything to do with the Communist Party as such. I know he gave money for Spanish refugees. I know he took an intellectual interest in Communist ideas...

Roger Robb: Are there two kinds of Communists? An intellectual Communist and a plain ordinary Commie?

Kitty Oppenheimer: I couldn't answer that one.

Ward Evans: I couldn't either.

Oppenheimer Movie Quotes and Dialogues

Vannevar Bush: [Called to speak before the AEC's hearing on Oppenheimer's security clearance] It appears to most scientists around this country, Robert Oppenheimer, is now being pilloried and put through an ordeal because he expressed his honest opinions.

Ward Evans: Dr. Bush, I thought I was performing a service to my country when hearing this case.

Vannevar Bush: No board in this country should sit in judgment of a man because he expressed his strong opinions. If you want to try that case, you should try me.


Vannevar Bush: Excuse me, gentlemen, if I become stirred, but I am.

Oppenheimer's thoughts on Albert Einstein to be included in Manhattan Project from Oppenheimer movie

Oppenheimer's thoughts on Albert Einstein to be included in Manhattan Project from Oppenheimer movie

Lewis Strauss: [Speaking about Albert Einstein] You know, I've always wondered why you didn't involve him in the Manhattan Project. Greatest scientific mind of our time.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [Sharply] Of his time.

Oppenheimer and Lewiss Strauss Dialogues from Oppenheimer

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [Speaking at his first visit to the Institute of Advanced Studies] Mr. Strauss, there are things in my past you'll be aware of.

Lewis Strauss: Well, as chairman of the ADC, I have access to your security file at Los Alamos.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: You're not worried?

Lewis Strauss: Why would I be worried after everything you've done for your country?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Well, the time has changed, Mr. Strauss.

Opening Lines of Oppenheimer Movie

[first lines]

Gordon Gray: Dr. Oppenheimer? Dr. Oppenheimer? As we begin, I believe you have a statement to read for the record.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Yes, your Honor.

Ward Evans: We are not judges, doctor.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: No. Of course. Members of the Security Court, the so-called interrogatory information in your indictment of me cannot be fairly understood except in the context of my life and my work.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogue between Earnest and Leslie

Ernest Lawrence: [Greeting General Groves] Leslie.

Leslie Groves: Dr. Lawrence, I'd like to remind you what we talked about in Berkeley.

Ernest Lawrence: Compartmentalization, I understand completely

Ernest Lawrence: [Addressing a group of physicists and scientists at Los Alamos] I am here to update you on our progress and solicit your input. To do so, I am going to have to share a few things that General Groves told me not to.

Ernest Lawrence: [to General Groves] Sorry, General, I said I understood, not that I agreed.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialoges

Luis Alvarez: [Reproducing splitting the atom, verifying nuclear fission and pointing at the oscilloscope] Look. These fission pulses, they're massive. I've seen 30 of these in the past 10 minutes.

Ernest Lawrence: Theory will take you only so far.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: During the process, extra neutrons boil off. Which be used to split other uranium atoms...

Ernest Lawrence: A chain reaction. You're thinking what I'm thinking.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: You, me and every physicist around the world who's seen the news.

Luis Alvarez: [Baffled] What? What are we all thinking?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: A bomb, Alvarez. A bomb.

Jean Tatlock Dialogues from Oppenheimer Movie

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I tried to poison my tutor.

Jean Tatlock: Did you hate him?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I liked him very much.

Jean Tatlock: You just needed to get laid.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Took my analyst two years, and I don't think they ever put it that succinctly.

Jean Tatlock: You have everyone convinced you're more complicated than you actually are.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: We're all simple souls, I guess.

Jean Tatlock: I'm not.

Kitty Oppenheimer Dialogues from Oppenheimer Movie

Kitty Oppenheimer Dialogues from Oppenheimer Movie

Kitty Oppenheimer: My husband offered both our futures to stop one fascist bullet from embedding itself in a mudbank. That's the definition of nothing.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Seems a little reductive.

Kitty Oppenheimer: Pragmatic.

Oppenheimer and Edward Teller Dialogues from Oppenheimer Movie

J. Robert Oppenheimer: We're building this bomb to end the war, all wars. Once they see what we've done, they'll never fight again.

Edward Teller: And what if they don't? What if they build a bigger bomb, an even more devastating weapon?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: That's a risk we have to take. The alternative is letting them win this war, and that's a price we cannot afford.

Oppenheimer reassures Niels Bohr that they are on the right track in creating A-Bomb

Niels Bohr: Heisenberg sought me out in Copenhagen. It was chilling, my old student working for the Nazis. He told me some things to draw me out. Sustained fission reactions in uranium.

Richard Tolman: That sounds more like a reactor than a bomb.

Edward Teller: Did he mention gaseous diffusion?

Niels Bohr: He seemed more focused on heavy water.

Edward Teller: As a moderator?

Niels Bohr: Yes, instead of graphite.

[the others celebrate]

Niels Bohr: What?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: He took a wrong turn! We're ahead.

Oppenheimer telling Hans Bethe We're at War. Movie Dialogue

Oppenheimer telling Hans Bethe We're at War. Movie Dialogue

Hans Bethe: [On his first visit to Los Alamos] Barbed wire, guns, Oppie?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: We're at war, Hans.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogues between Edward Teller and Oppi

Edward Teller: A British physicist is saying the atomic bombings were not the last act of World War II, but the first act of this cold war with Russia.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Which physicist?

Edward Teller: I think you knew him. Patrick Blackett.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogues between Jean Tatlock and Robert Oppenheimer

Jean Tatlock: You knocked her up. Fast work.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Can't keep a good man down.

Jean Tatlock: I meant her.

Oppenheimer Movie Dialogues over designed template

J. Robert Oppenheimer: You're happy, I'm happy.

Frank Oppenheimer: So then I'm happy you're happy that I'm happy.

Oppenheimer Dialogues with Leslie Groves about the Bomb

Leslie Groves: Are you saying that there's a chance that when we push that button... we destroy the world?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: The chances are near zero...

Leslie Groves: Near zero?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: What do you want from theory alone?

Leslie Groves: Zero would be nice!

Oppenheimer Movie Quote between Neils Bohr and Oppenheimer about work

Niels Bohr: The power you are about to reveal will forever outlive the Nazis, and the world is not prepared.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: You can't lift the stone without being ready for the snake that's revealed.

Niels Bohr: We have to make the politicians understand, this isn't a new weapon, it is a new world.

Extra Movie Lines / Dialogues

Jean Tatlock: You drop in and out of my life, and you don’t have to tell me why. Now that’s power.

Julius Robert Oppenheimer: Not that I enjoy. I’d rather be here for you as you need.


J. Robert Oppenheimer: You're talking about turning theory into a practical weapon system faster than the Nazis.

Leslie Groves: Who have a twelve month head start.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Eighteen.

Leslie Groves: How could you possibly know that?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Our fast-neutron research took six months, the man they've undoubtedly put in charge will have made that leap instantly.

Leslie Groves: Who do you think they put in charge?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Werner Heisenberg. He has the most intuitive understanding of atomic structure I have ever seen.

Leslie Groves: You know his work?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: I know him. Just like I know Walther Bothe, von Weizsäcker, Diebner, in a straight race the Germans win. We've got one hope.

Leslie Groves: Which is?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Antisemitism.

Leslie Groves: What?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Hitler called quantum physics 'Jewish science', said it right to Einstein's face. Our one hope is that Hitler is so, so blinded by hate that he's denied Heisenberg proper resources, because it will take vast resources. Our nation's best scientists working together, right now they're scattered.

Leslie Groves: Which gives us compartmentalization.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: All minds have to see the whole task to contribute efficiently. Poor security may cost us the race, inefficiency will. The Germans know more than us anyway.

Leslie Groves: The Russians don't.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Remind me, who are we at war with?

Leslie Groves: Somebody with your past doesn't want to be seen downplaying the importance of security from our communist allies.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Point taken but, no.

Leslie Groves: You don't get to say no to me.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: My job is to say no to you when you're wrong.

Leslie Groves: So you have the job now?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Hmm, I'm considering it.

Leslie Groves: [pauses] I'm starting to see where you got your reputation. My favourite response; 'Oppenheimer couldn't run a hamburger stand'.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: [Smiles] I couldn't. But I can run the Manhattan Project.


Ernest Lawrence: [after Lawrence breaks up a meeting of the F.A.E.C.T. in the lab] They won't let me bring you onto the project because of this shit. They won't even let me tell you what the project is.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Oh, I know what the project is.

Ernest Lawrence: Oh, really?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: We've all heard about Einstein and Szilard's letter to Roosevelt warning him that Germans could make a bomb. And I know what it means for the Nazis to have a bomb.

Ernest Lawrence: And I don't?

J. Robert Oppenheimer: It's not your people they're herding into camps. It's mine.

Ernest Lawrence: You think that I tell them about your politics. The next time you're coming home from a meeting, why don't you take a look in the rear view mirror, listen to the sounds on your phone line and stop being so goddam naïve.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Why would they care what I do?

Ernest Lawrence: Because you're not just self-important. You're actually important.

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Okay, I get it.

Ernest Lawrence: If you could just be a little more...

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Pragmatic. I'll talk to Lomanitz, I'll talk to the others, you don't have to worry. It's done.

Ernest Lawrence: Then welcome to the war.


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