Pakistani Media War

"Information is the Currency of Democracy" In Pakistan, Eruption of various Information Propaganda can be observed easily on Media these days...
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Media War In Pakistan

"Information is the Currency of Democracy" 

Thomas Jefferson - 3rd U.S President (1743-1826)

Media War in Pakistan A Blog

In Pakistan, Eruption of various Information Propaganda can be observed easily on Media these days. On National scale several News Channels are serving different purposes through their News and Programs. Journalists are not free to have their say due to strict editorials, therefore Journalists have formed their own Youtube Channels and talk freely.

On the other hand News Channels on Television are just doing, as they are being told by their stake holders. News can be same on every channel but different words, tones and tags directs the content to different feels and angels. Moreover infotainment shows on News Channels also talks about the daily happenings, twitter talks and social media sayings of Politicians Analysts and Events. Investigative Journalism in favor of Public is almost being vanished, only few channels does so, when it favors them. 

Government is trying their hard to stop the spread of Information to 98% of Masses and keep their stories within the 2% of Aristocrats, and upon failing they try to use the idea of disinformation. Although Newspapers are doing their Jobs, but hardly less than 1% of the society reads Newspapers these days. Social Media is being used by public as a prime source of required information. Vlogging on Youtube, Facebook & Instagram has taken the place of a Newspaper.

Whereas Political Parties have their own Media Cells, where they manipulate information on Social Media which suits their narrative. Politicians promulgate their say and narration among masses through social media.

And when we observe Public Opinions, they mostly have become disheartened after seeing the results of Hybrid Regime formed by Establishment. Now Public is lost in this flow of information from each side and only listens to what they wish and feel is right and should be happening. Trust & Tolerance Level has been vanished due worse economic condition in the Country. Public is stuck and have no way to Go. Every Level of Society seems shaky and full of aggression, because they could not been able to make their ends meet.

Coming back to the point of difference, where quick, qualitative and reliable information from Social Media is giving tough time to National Level Media Organization and have left them behind in the race, because the the flow is directly from the ground level personnel working in the field. Few a of them are:

  1. Rizwan Razi (Razi Dada)
  2. Aniq Naji
  3. Gohar Butt
  4. Zafar Naqvi
  5. Moazzam Fakhar
  6. Saeed Chauhdry 
  7. Imran Shafqat
  8. saleem Safi
and many many more...

Read More: Hybrid Establishment

1. Rizwan Razi (RaziDada)

Razinaama by Rizwan Razi at pqcblog

Popularly known as RaziDada in Press Circle, and running his Youtube Channel called Razinaama. This champ has faced many hardships during his working in Press. Being from Business Reporting Background, you will see versatility of topics he discusses interestingly. His Direct, Witty, Sarcastic, Thought Provoking and Exceptional usage of words makes his Vlogs stand out of crowd and  He ends his Vlog with a Beautiful Pray. sharing two of his sample Vlogs below:

2. Aniq Naji

Aniq Naji official at pqcblog

Aniq Naji is also another Vlogger, currently based in UK, where he runs his Youtube Channel called Aniq Naji Official. He mainly focuses on the political happenings of Pakistan and prepares his Vlogs with great enthusiasm. An in-depth critic of Government and affairs. Talks directly and to the point. His background also seems painful but he still got balls to handle everything. His recent Vlog is :


3. Gohar Butt

Sayastan by Gohar Butt at pqcblog

He is the Man with various flavors flowing out of his Vlogs, Poetry, Philosophy, Literature, Comic Satire and Punjabi Slangs from his channel named Sayastan with Gohar Butt. A Young Hearted fellow who talks his heart out, sometime gets emotional, has on field reporting experience in Political Beat. He delivers in sarcastic, witty and light hearted way with a touch of comic. His work includes:


4. Zafar Naqvi:

ZN News by Zafar Naqvi at pqcblog

He runs his channel ZN News. Does political and social based Vlogs. A man with knowledge and great dialogue delivery, has enormous sources, talks with a lot of energy & enthusiasm, uses good idioms, poetry and proverbs. His recent Vlog includes:

5. Moazzam Fakhar:

Insight by Moazzam Fakhar at pqcblog

The Storyteller of Pakistani Politics, Profound and imminent way of Communication, explains in details like a story with reasons and research, compact Vlogs at his Youtube Channel named Insight by Moazzam Fakhar. His Recent work includes:

6. Saeed Chaudhary:

Halaat with Saeed Chaudhary at pqcblog

An ocean of Knowledge, with calm and quotient way of talking with background of Court Reporting, Mr. Chaudhary shares his analysis in his Vlogs via his Youtube Channel called Halaat with Saeed Chaudhary. With his sources along with his angles and views on News, he gives you complete update on the ongoing situation on the battlefield of Politics. His recent Vlog includes:


7. Imran Shafqat:

Tellings with Imran Shafqat at pqcblog

With his vibrant and energetic approach towards his findings, Imran Shafqat runs his Channel named Tellings with Imran Shafqat. Being an on-field reported his expressions narrates his experiences of interactions made on the field of work. He boldly represents his sources with better selection of words and his knowledge. One of his work includes:


8. Saleem Safi:

Saleem Safi Official at pqcblog

One of the most Senior and seasoned Journalist of Pakistan and author of various books. His fearless, satiric and striking words with soft spoken tone creates a fiery expression when heard by the listener. Although he already belongs to the main stream media, but on Youtube also he runs his Channel as Saleem Safi Official because its not easy to digest his findings. One of his recent work includes:


Many Journalists are working on Youtube Channel but these are few selected, who once heard would give you the detailed Idea of current status of Pakistani Politics. After recent pressures and restrictions on editorial policies of various main stream media houses of Pakistan, Youtuber Journalists are working as front line workers for publicizing the facts and required information to the masses in the best interest of Nation. Thank you all for doing these job at very high stakes. May God bless you all."Allah apko Aasania ata kare aur aasanian khalq-e-khuda main taqseem karne ki taufiq ata kare" Aameen..

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