In The Name of Change

Blog about Change in Pakistan, in the name of Change, our Youth is fully capable but driven towards a wrong way due to improper structure at a Nursery
6 min read

In the Name of Change...

In the name of Change Quote
Picture Courtesy :

In continuation with my recent article about Climate Crisis in Karachi, Pakistan "Big Blue is not a Big Trash Pit". Here I present you the current updates and happenings here, that too in the name of Change.

Being ashamed of writing critically about our evaluation of word "Change" and its implications in our society, so called democratic State called "Pakistan". Although it drives downwards from the top level, but first lets see what's happening at ground level related to Climate Crisis in Karachi first.

Again today a video is shared by Mrs. Shaniera Akram while cleaning the Karachi Beach Area. Have a Look:  

First of all a Big Thank You on behalf of Karachiites, for being so responsively concerned. Its a debt that can not be paid in words or by anything in this world. But Practically its not the permanent solution by involving Charitable Organizations and Youth of Pakistan in cleaning the Beach. It's not their chores to do, when we have running Departments and Responsible Authorities from the Government to do their tasks for which they are being paid by our Taxes. 

Why wasting the time of Youth by making them picking the garbage in the name of Change, its a paid Job and people are paying taxes for this job. Kids are certainly Future but they should be having their recreational time at the Beach along with supervising the Authorities doing the cleaning, this is the real meaning of Change.

Apparently I am in a deep state of sorrow watching this video, what thinking is being developed in their minds, like first being useless and helpless, then deciding to do the task by themselves, even for which they are already paying. what change is this fused. This will lead them being vision less missionaries. as can be seen in a year old video as well published by the organization The Last Earthlings itself. 

See what the Kids are saying:

And when a cumulative group of such mindsets gathered, they are confused and find no way to move forward. The organization formed named The Last Earthlings, what is their motto, their Goal and how they want to achieve their Goal is much important then the Goal itself. Instead of developing the present system, they are wasting the Money, Labor and resources by not hitting the target correctly, but achieving a sense of self satisfaction and common welfare, i.e. a short term solution. 

Apparently in a recent example of Progressive Student Collective, such trajectories were observed by obviously same vision less missionaries where no target was defined. They don't know what is their ultimate Goal and how to handle the students Problems on large scale. Which is quite simple, by restoring the order of Student Union Council in Universities across Country. 

There is always a Law with a System of doing everything Legally and Constitutionally which should be the Prey for Appetite to Implement but no body cares taking the long route and doing things by their own, which cultivates a fuss in society by nurturing the superiority complex in the Youth on one hand and inferiority complex on the other hand in the Youth that are not part of the organization. Ultimately creating an unbalanced structure.


Now the reader will say that:

  • What the writer thinks by saying all this? 
  • Does he have any solution to the problem ?
  • How he is merging all these examples?

Well, there is and that is even simple restoration of Community Service Bill, if Youth based Organizations are so much eager to make Youth to participate in Community Development then they should be giving something in return too, like scores in their academics and making it mandatory for the Students to spare time in Community Service during their studies, against marks and grades in their education. This will be benefit not only in Civic Management Issues but in every walks of Life. 

  • Medical Students will serve in Community through with their Field, 
  • Students from Public Relations will serve with Other Management Departments of State 
  • Students from Food and Sciences will serve with Inspection of Food Quality in Cities
  • Agriculture Students will enhance Crop Generation and Food Quality with State Departments through their Research and Visits to the Field.
  • Physics and Chemistry Students will serve like wise with their applied Sciences in Architecture, Civil Management and Horticulture Departments
  • And so the list goes on with every field...

Now coming back to the start, where I stated that how it flows from the top Level.

Before coming to illustrate first see this video:

Here our Prime Minister Mr. Imran Khan is providing Shelter Home sort of Refuge Camps, like what the Hell he is doing by providing a temporary Solution to people who are suffering... that too in the name of Change. which even is organized by a welfare organization "Saylani", serving since before the PMIK. And after all being proud of misinterpreting the concept of Riyasat -e- Madinah. 

Is he making fun of Pakistanis or Poors and fooling the Nation? 
Is Panah Gah the future of Pakistan, which he is Proud of?
Labeling Saylani's Work to State owned tasks in the name of Change, what is this?

See this happens with vision less missionaries when given powers, no offense but concept of Riyasat e Madinah was not charitable but welfare. there is a lot difference in understanding and mindset.

Ehsaas Program is another example, (Ehsaas means to feel), by throwing Ehsaas program the state has claimed to be the charitable organization instead of being the Government. What a crap, is this being taught in Harvard and Oxford. 

  • To diminish the self respect of a Nation and make the State Superior.
  • Increase the poverty and throw charity.
  • Gaining respect and superiority at the cost of Taxes

Now coming to Tiger Force, what is the need of a separate entity when have whole state owned machinery with Government, which is functional, getting salaries but not doing their work. Is this the Justice claimed in manifesto of PTI prior coming in power.

It seems that there is no check and balance within the state on the policies adopted, observing the needs and implementing the policies are kept far behind. Such environment is formed when there is a Gap between People and Government. No Public window is offered in the Government Departments. There is an ample lacking of States Craftsmen in the Cabinet. Just look at this Video below:


The work which should be done by the Think Tanks are carried out by Media Organizations. Although maturity is being seen in 20 year old Pakistani Media, but there is still a lot more space to grow. Good Job Team Geo for being such specific and research based.


Its all happening in the name of Change, our Youth is fully capable but driven towards a wrong way due to improper structure at a Nursery. "Solutions are there but the Will is not Seen."

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