Big Blue is Not a Big Trash Pit

"Big Blue is Not a Big Trash Pit" A Blog about Climate Crisis awareness and a call to action is required in Karachi, Pakistan.
3 min read

Big Blue is Not a Big Trash Pit

Climate Crisis
‘We need to make sure the big blue is not a big trash pit,’ says the CSIRO’s Denise Hardesty, whose research suggests there could be 30 times as much plastic at the bottom of the ocean than on the surface. Photograph: Paulo Oliveira/Alamy Stock Photo

While the world is observing and taking initiatives to overcome climate crisis as per the report published in The Guardian mentions : "Thirty times more plastic on ocean floor than surface, analysis suggests, but more trapped on land than sea'.

Moreover to overcome the said crisis, Leaders from more than 70 countries signed a voluntary pledge in September to reverse biodiversity loss which included a goal to stop plastic entering the ocean by 2050. unfortunately excluding United States, Brazil, China, Russia, Australia and India. mentioned in another report.

When we look at Pakistan, which is facing a broad, beautiful and unique coastal line. we are also facing climate crisis at worse and to overcome these our authorities are not concerned so far. but voices are being raised from time to time by far sighted visionaries only including:

In Sept, 2016


In July, 2017


In October, 2020

Our city is in pain and it’s telling us every day. We are crying out for help but no body can hear us. This has got to stop! This has bought shame on our city, our people and on our culture. This is not who we are 🇵🇰




This Duo Wasim Akram and Shaniera Akram are only seemed to be cared about this climate crisis and raising their voices but now they seem to be drained too. All Karachiites should be thankful to them for voicing out.

Now pointing out to the authorities, we see Pakistan Navy is trying to take necessary measures, reported in The News Article

“The PN has already initiated numerous measures and actions ranging from collection of solid waste from harbour, establishment of Reedbed plants in all areas under its jurisdiction, besides an extensive tree plantation campaign. It also continues to sensitise the relevant government and non-governmental organisations and departments on the need to initiate effective measures against marine pollution.

While awareness is deemed a vital factor, a number of activities have been planned by field commands and PN units to promote awareness and inculcate a sense of responsibility amongst all to save and preserve our environment. “I expect all under command to initiate dedicated efforts to make these activities worthwhile and successful.”  

Its High Time that PN should declare the steps had been taken to clean the Harbour and also amalgamate with like minded civilians and civic authorities for better outcome. As there has been a development from NDMA after the recent Urban Flooding in Karachi regarding cleaning Karachi, so this portion should also be noticed. 

Also WWF Pakistan is advised to wake up and have their say... Thank You

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