Poor Things (2023) Movie Quotes

Famous Dialogues, Quotes and Lines from the Famous Movie Poor Things (2023)

Poor Things Movie Quotes 

Poor Things Quotes by PQCBlog Title Cover

Famous Dialogues, Quotes and Lines from the Movie Poor Things

Poor Things Quotes Video by #PQCBlog

Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella Baxter and Max McCandles

Bella Baxter: Explorer bloods in me.
Duncan Wedderburn: Bella, it’s dangerous to go out without me.
Bella Baxter: I have adventured it and found nothing but sugar and violence. It is most charming.


Poor Things Movie lines by Max McCandles and Dr. Godwin Baxter

Dr. Godwin Baxter: All my research had come to this moment. Fate had brought me a dead body, and a live infant. It was obvious.
Max McCandles: It was?
Dr. Godwin Baxter: Take the infant’s brain out and put it in the full-grown woman, reanimate her, and watch.


Poor Things Movie lines by Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: [on the wailing infant] I must go punch that baby.


Poor Things Movie lines by Dr. Godwin Baxter

Dr. Godwin Baxter: My father once told me, "Always carve with compassion." He was a f*****g idiot, but it's not bad advice.


Poor Things Movie lines by Dr. Godwin Baxter

Dr. Godwin Baxter: My father took out my oxyntic and pyloric glands, so I must make my own gastric juices.
Max McCandles: Why in God’s name would he do that?
Dr. Godwin Baxter: To discover what no one knew. Turns out we need them. Ideally.


Poor Things Movie lines by Dr. Godwin Baxter

Dr. Godwin Baxter: I am a eunuch and can’t f*** her. To get a s3xual response from my body would take the same amount of electricity as runs North London.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: This is Martha. She is my new friend who has not been f***ed in twenty years! Is that not astonishment? I hope you use your hand between your legs to keep yourself happy?


Poor Things Movie Lines from Martha von Kurtzroc

Martha von Kurtzroc: As years have passed, what’s in between my ears is my big concern. What’s in between my legs much less so.
Harry Astley: A desperate rationalization, Martha.


Dr. Godwin Baxter: Men’s, indeed all S3xuality, is basically Immoral. Poor Things Movie

Dr. Godwin Baxter: Men’s, indeed all S3xuality, is basically Immoral.


Poor Things Movie Lines

Swiney: We must work. We must make money. But more than that Bella, we must experience everything. Not just the good, but degradation, horror, sadness. This makes us whole Bella, makes us people of substance. Not flighty, untouched children. Then we can know the world. And when we know the world, the world is ours.

Bella Baxter: I want that.

Swiney: Now go and f**k someone and bring me ten francs.


Poor Things Movie Lines

Dr. Godwin Baxter: I have taken five milligrams of heroin through the toes for pain, amphetamines for energy, and cocaine... because I am partial to cocaine.


Poor Things Movie Lines

Duncan Wedderburn: It's devil's work at hand! He coughs not air as a normal man, but blood!

Max McCandles: He has cancer, you f*****g idiot!

Duncan Wedderburn: Oh.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: I will f*****g throw you overboard!

Bella Baxter: So you wish to marry me, or kill me? Is that the proposal?


Bella Baxter: You are troubled?

Duncan Wedderburn: Did he lie with you?

Bella Baxter: No. We were against a wall.

Duncan Wedderburn: Did you furious jump him?

Bella Baxter: No. He just fast-licked my cl****is. I had the heat that needed release, so at my request it was.

[Duncan bashes his head against the bar]
Bella Baxter: You too may tongue-play me. So I'm not understanding this complicated feeling.

Duncan Wedderburn: [Sobs hysterically]
Bella Baxter: Are you now crying?

Bella Baxter: [Bella pats Duncan awkwardly on the back] What a confusing person you are, Duncan Wedderburn.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan

Duncan Wedderburn: [to Bella] You are a prisoner and I aim to free you. Something in you, some hungry being, hungry for experience, freedom, touch. To see the unknown and know it.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella and Duncan

[after s3x]

Bella Baxter: Why do people not just do this *all* the time?

Duncan Wedderburn: [chuckles] Well, at the risk of being immodest: You've just been thrice f***ed by the very best. It's probable no other man will ever bring you to the raptures I have. I feel bad for you.

Bella Baxter: Well, then it will just be *you* I do furious jumping with.

Duncan Wedderburn: [chuckles] Furious jumping? I love that.

Bella Baxter: I'm rested. Let us go again.

Duncan Wedderburn: Again? Unfortunately, even I have my limits. Men cannot keep coming back for more.

Bella Baxter: It is a physiological problem? A weakness in men?

Duncan Wedderburn: Mm... well... perhaps so. You'd be advised, if it's not too late, not to fall in love with me. I have very little to offer in the way of constancy. Just adventure.

Bella Baxter: I see.

Duncan Wedderburn: Let us sleep.


Bella Baxter: I must set forth into waters. Poor Things Movie Lines

Bella Baxter: I must set forth into waters.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan

Duncan Wedderburn: [Mockingly] "We're all masters of our own ships." You c**ty cu****ce di***it!


Bella Baxter: Your sad face makes me discover angry feelings about you.

Duncan Wedderburn: Right. I have become the very thing I hate. A grasping succubus of a lover. I've pried many of them off me. Now I'm it. F**K!


Poor Things Movie Line from Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: My empathy is creeping towards what I would describe... a contemptuous rage.


Bella Baxter: [to Duncan] Now, I must lie down and you must lie down on top of me and do more furious jumping. Poor Things Movie Lines

Bella Baxter: [to Duncan] Now, I must lie down and you must lie down on top of me and do more furious jumping.


Max McCandles: [about Bella] My, what a very pretty retard. Poor Things Movie Lines

Max McCandles: [about Bella] My, what a very pretty retard.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella And Harry

Bella Baxter: If I know the world I can improve it.

Harry Astley: You can't. This is the real point. Don't accept the lie of religion, socialism, capitalism. We are a f***ed species. Know it. Hope is smash-able, realism is not. Protect yourself with the truth.

Bella Baxter: I realize what you are now Harry. Just a broken little boy who cannot bear the pain of the world.

Harry Astley: I suppose so.


Dr. Godwin Baxter: I'm something of a romantic myself. Poor Things Movie Lines

Dr. Godwin Baxter: I'm something of a romantic myself.


Mrs. Prim: She grabbed my hairy business!

Mrs. Prim: She grabbed my hairy business!


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: I will leave at my leisure, but I am flattered by your desire to trap me.


Bella Baxter: I will marry Max, as he seems right for that. But first, I shall adventure on Duncan Wedderburn, who I think, cares little of damage to me, but will be interesting as well.


Bella Baxter: Hello, interesting older lady. I must touch your hair. Poor Things Movie Lines

Bella Baxter: Hello, interesting older lady. I must touch your hair.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella and Godwin Baxter

Dr. Godwin Baxter: I cannot let you go.

Bella Baxter: Kiss me and set me forth. If you do not, Bella's insides shall turn rotten with hate.


Poor Things Movie Lines between Max and Godwin Baxter

Max McCandles: [referring to Bella] Why did you not stop her?

Dr. Godwin Baxter: She is a being of free will.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: You're always reading now, Bella. You're losing some of your adorable way of speaking.

Bella Baxter: I am a changeable feast. As are all of we. Apparently according to Emerson, disagreed with by Harry.


Poor Things Movie Lines between Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: Bella. Your behavior is unconscionable. Will you behave?

Bella Baxter: The food was cacking my throat, the baby annoying, and the woman boring with words.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan

Duncan Wedderburn: [to Bella] You will confine yourself to the following three phrases. “How marvelous! Delighted. And how do they make the pastry so crisp.” Yes?


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: I'm so tired. Or maybe just my spirit is. My soul has been buckled, crumpled, flattened Duncan Wedderburn, by the sights I have seen.

[Bella cries]


Duncan Wedderburn: Well at the risk of being immodest, you've just been thrice f***ed by the very best. It's probable no other man will ever bring you to the raptures I have. I feel bad for you.


Bella Baxter: A finger up the a**e should help things along. Poor Things Movie

Bella Baxter: A finger up the a**e should help things along.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: Selfish, thoughtless, careless b***ch.

Bella Baxter: I am not thoughtless Duncan. More like, it is true my ability to think things through to the logical conclusion is not strong. I did help those suffering people. I have ruined us as you pointed out. But I do believe my actions came from a good place.

Duncan Wedderburn: Shut the f**k up!


Duncan Wedderburn: [to Bella] You, like me, are a creature of freedom in the moments. Poor Things Movie Lines

Duncan Wedderburn: [to Bella] You, like me, are a creature of freedom in the moments.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: [as Bella keeps winking] What do you keep doing that for?

Bella Baxter: A man over there repeated blinks at me. I blink back. For polites, I think.


Bella Baxter: More furious jumping!

Bella Baxter: More furious jumping!


"Bella Baxter: Money is its own form of sickness, and all the scarcity of it." Poor Things Movie

Bella Baxter: Money is its own form of sickness, and all the scarcity of it.


"Bella Baxter: Wouldn't you rather the women chose?" Poor Things Movie

Bella Baxter: Wouldn't you rather the women chose?


Harry Astley: A lot of dead babies.

Bella Baxter: [distraught] We must go help them.

Harry Astley: How will we do that? When we go down there, they'll quite rightfully rope us, rob us and rape us. And if they were here, and we were there, we'd do the same to them.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella and Harry

Bella Baxter: You have made me think, cogitate, perambulate on ideas that are wrong, erroneous, and nonsensically annoying that lead me not to sleep. You say all are cruel. And I disagree, disavow, and say no not. But when with Duncan, the cruel just bubbles up in me.

Harry Astley: That shows good judgment. He is a pretty moron.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Swiney and Bella

Swiney: You are an idealist. Like me. How delightful you are. But we must give in to the demands of the world sometimes. Grapple with it. Try to defeat it.

Bella Baxter: So you believe as me?

Swiney: Of course. But some men enjoy that you do not like it.

Bella Baxter: What? That is...

Swiney: Sick. But good business. Come with Me.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella Baxtr

Bella Baxter: We are all on a ship and cannot escape. And there is a world to enjoy, traverse, circumnavigate.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella and Alfie

Bella Baxter: A love of cruelty? I was not a kind person, it seemed.

Alfie Blessington: Kind? You would never be so dull, Victoria. Appalling idea.


Poor Things Movie Lines from Bella and Duncan

Bella Baxter: Bella not safe with you, I think.

Duncan Wedderburn: You are absolutely, not.


Dr. Godwin Baxter: To elicit a s3xual response from my body would take all the electricity in North London! Poor Things Movie

Dr. Godwin Baxter: To elicit a s3xual response from my body would take all the electricity in North London!


Duncan Wedderburn: I shall throw her into the Ocean!

Bella Baxter: I dare you!


Poor Things Movie LInes

Bella Baxter: Ba. Ba. Ba.

Dr. Godwin Baxter: Bye.

Bella Baxter: Ba.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: Do not care for polite society. It’s f***ing boring. Destroys one’s soul.

Bella Baxter: God not believe in soul.

Duncan Wedderburn: I think God’s the actual author of the soul idea.

Bella Baxter: Godwin Baxter?


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella and Swiney

Bella Baxter: [Bella is working as a prostitute. A male client has just arrived] Madam Swiney, this lineup system... you really expect me to go upstairs with a man even if I find him distasteful... and therefore am sad when I let him furious-jump me?

Swiney: That is the way it is, my darling. Gosh, you look pretty. How it agrees with you to be ravaged.

Bella Baxter: [Speaking to the male client] So, would you not prefer it if the women chose, as it would be a sign of enthusiasm toward you? You wouldn't have the vague sense that they're in a state of horror when you jump them.

Swiney: [Madam Swiney and the client speak in French] Bella is new and may have a mental illness. She doesn't yet understand how things work.

Bella Baxter: As God, my father, says, it is only the way it is until we discover the new way it is, and then that is the way it is until we discover the new way it is, and so it goes until the world is no longer flat, electricity lights the night, and shoes are no longer tied with ribbons.

Toinette: Je suis d'accord. As a socialist, I agree entirely. Magnifique.

Swiney: Toinette, you have such a clever mouth. Monsieur Mersault will enjoy it for free. [Toinette's smile slowly fades].


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: Kitty, did you see the new show in London by Wilde? Marvelously witty!

Kitty: I loved it. A handbag!

[Bella spits her food]

Duncan Wedderburn: Bella?

Bella Baxter: What? Why keep it in my mouth, if it is revolting?

Kitty: I have said that before to Gerald. If you catch my drift.

Duncan Wedderburn: You are wicked.

Bella Baxter: Oh, because you mean his P***is? Duncan's can sometimes be salty.

Duncan Wedderburn: Good God, Bella.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan

Duncan Wedderburn: You'd be advised, if it's not too late, not to fall in love with me. I have very little to offer in the way of constancy. Just adventure.


Duncan Wedderburn: I have decided to forgive you. I have booked our berths home. I have told mother to prepare our wedding bed. Did you fuck the guy with hooks for hands? You did. I know. I beat the tar out of that guy.


Bella Baxter: It is the goal of all to improve, advance, progress, grow. Poor Things Movie

Bella Baxter: It is the goal of all to improve, advance, progress, grow.


Poor Things Movie Lines

Hapless Student: What is the purpose of putting it back?

Dr. Godwin Baxter: My amusement!


"Bella Baxter: Let us touch each other's genetical pieces." Poor Things Movie

Bella Baxter: Let us touch each other's genetical pieces.


Harry Astley: This improvement through philosophy is people trying to run away from the fact that we are all cruel beasts. Born that way. Die that way. Poor Things Movie Quote

Harry Astley: This improvement through philosophy is people trying to run away from the fact that we are all cruel beasts. Born that way. Die that way.


"Bella Baxter: I charge 30 Francs.  Max McCandles: I think that's a bit low..." Poor Things Movie Lines

Bella Baxter: I charge 30 Francs.

Max McCandles: I think that's a bit low...


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella and Alfie

Bella Baxter: What was the root of the unhappiness? What drove her off a bridge?

Alfie Blessington: You hated the baby. You called "the monster".

Bella Baxter: I see. I have noticed the lack of maternal instinct.


"Dr. Godwin Baxter: Do not cry into the wound! You'll kill me faster with sepsis." Poor Things Movie Quote

Dr. Godwin Baxter: Do not cry into the wound! You'll kill me faster with sepsis.


Bella Baxter: My hand has taken by another. It is a saying I heard, but did not understand. You do not take just the hand, but all, do you not?


Poor Things Movie Lines by Alfie

Alfie Blessington: They talk and talk... and yet at some point, there's nothing left but to pull a gun.

Alfie Blessington: 'Tis the way with women.


Poor Things Movie Quote by Bella "Bella Baxter: What of the tongue-play you were about to perform? Is that not happening?"

Bella Baxter: What of the tongue-play you were about to perform? Is that not happening?


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella and Ducan

Bella Baxter: I feel like this conversation has become circular.

Duncan Wedderburn: CU****UNT!


Poor Things Dialogues by Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: You're wh**es.

Bella Baxter: We are our own means of production. Go away.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Duncan, Bella, Harry and Martha.

Duncan Wedderburn: Martha! She is the problem! I will throw that fu***ng perfumed bag of flesh overboard.

Bella Baxter: I dare you.

[Duncan storms toward the deck]

Harry Astley: Where are you going?

Duncan Wedderburn: She’s going over the side.

Martha von Kurtzroc: Oh, marvelous! I never imagined being murdered. How dramatic.

Harry Astley: Well, she seems happy to die. I’m sorry for getting in your way.


Poor Things Movie Line by Alfie Blessington

Alfie Blessington: The staff are getting mutinous, I fear an uprising.


Swiney: You're my favorite!

Bella Baxter: I've heard you say that to the others.


Poor Things Movie Lines by Bella Baxter

Bella Baxter: Madam Swiney, I have examined my situation. I need s3x and money. I could take a lover, another Wedderburn who would keep me, but may require an awful lot of attention or else it's twenty minutes at a time, and the rest of my day is free to study on the world and the improvement of it. Hence, I seek employment at your musty-smelling establishment of good time fornication.


Poor Things Movie Dialogues between Duncan and Bella

Duncan Wedderburn: You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Will not lie, I've been with many.

Bella Baxter: Missus Prim said you were wolf, with scent of a hundred women on you.

Duncan Wedderburn: She undersells it. Okay, oysters have you had them before?

Bella Baxter: I have not.


Duncan Wedderburn: Time for Siesta!

Duncan Wedderburn: Time for Siesta!


Poor Things Movie Quote line "Duncan Wedderburn: There's a woman on fire, look."

Duncan Wedderburn: There's a woman on fire, look.


Poor Things Movie Quote "Bella Baxter: Is that smell you?"

Bella Baxter: Is that smell you?


Poor Things Movie Quote by Godwin Bexter "Dr. Godwin Baxter: We are men of science. This emotionality is unseemly."

Dr. Godwin Baxter: We are men of science. This emotionality is unseemly.


BELLA: I am reading Emerson. He speaks of self improvement of men. I don’t know why he does not give advice to women, perhaps he does not know any. 

MARTHA: You should also try Goethe. 

HARRY: Philosophy is a waste of time Bella. 

BELLA: Really? Say more.  

MARTHA: No, no, Harry you wretch, it is integral. People and society can be improved. 

BELLA: It is the goal of all to improve, advance, progress  and grow. I know this in me and am sure I am indicative of all. 

HARRY: Trust me you are definitely unique Bella in all ways. But this improvement through philosophy is people trying to run away from the fact we are cruel beasts. Born that way, die that way.  

BELLA: It is a dark view of things Harry. 


Poor Things Movie Quote "BELLA: I need to offer something to the world and yet I have nothing. Except some money. It is a bad day for Bella Baxter."

BELLA: I need to offer something to the world and yet I have nothing. Except some money. It is a bad day for Bella Baxter.


Poor Things Movie Quote "HARRY: Don’t accept the lie, of religion, socialism, capitalism, we are a fu**ed species. Know it. Hope is smashable. Realism is not. Protect yourself with the truth."

HARRY: Don’t accept the lie, of religion, socialism, capitalism, we are a fu**ed species. Know it. Hope is smashable. Realism is not. Protect yourself with the truth.


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "SWINEY: A woman plotting her course to freedom. How delightful. Come."

SWINEY: A woman plotting her course to freedom. How delightful. Come.


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "BELLA: As God my father says, it is only the way it is until we discover the new way it is and then that is the way it is until we discover the new way it is and so it goes until the world is no longer flat, electricity lights the night and shoes no longer are tied with ribbons. You see."

BELLA: As God my father says, it is only the way it is until we discover the new way it is and then that is the way it is until we discover the new way it is and so it goes until the world is no longer flat, electricity lights the night and shoes no longer are tied with ribbons. You see.


Poor Things Movie Quote by Bella Bexter saying "BELLA: The variety of desires being made manifest is fascinating."

BELLA: The variety of desires being made manifest is fascinating.


SWINEY: You are in the dark period before light and wisdom come to you. You must forge through it, and once on the other side you will be grateful to this moment. But you must keep going. 


Poor Things Quote saying "DUNCAN: He has set a demon at large in the world, the devil has wrapped her in an alluring body that cannot be satiated and a mind that picks people apart stitch by stitch like a bloodied and burned rag doll that has been shat out an elephant’s ar*e!"

DUNCAN: He has set a demon at large in the world, the devil has wrapped her in an alluring body that cannot be satiated and a mind that picks people apart stitch by stitch like a bloodied and burned rag doll that has been shat out an elephant’s ar*e! 


Poor Things Movie Quote by Bella "BELLA: You have always said you are the best bedman in the world, and I have never known another so knew not whether this was true. But now I do! And he was terrible and made an ungodly noise as he thrust himself into me, and a mere three thrusts Duncan Wedderburn was all he could manage! Well I stifled a laugh out of polites of course, took his money, thanked him, laughed all the way to buy us this eclair, and thought so fondly as I remembered all the fierce sweaty nights of ours."

BELLA: You have always said you are the best bedman in the world, and I have never known another so knew not whether this was true. But now I do! And he was terrible and made an ungodly noise as he thrust himself into me, and a mere three thrusts Duncan Wedderburn was all he could manage! Well I stifled a laugh out of polites of course, took his money, thanked him, laughed all the way to buy us this eclair, and thought so fondly as I remembered all the fierce sweaty nights of ours.


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "DUNCAN: YOU ARE A MONSTER. A WH*RE AND A MONSTER! You are a demon sent from hell to rip my spirit to shreds to punish my tiny sins with a tsunami of destruction. To take my heart and pull it like taffy, to ruin me. I look at you and see nothing but ugliness."

DUNCAN: YOU ARE A MONSTER. A WH*RE AND A MONSTER! You are a demon sent from hell to rip my spirit to shreds to punish my tiny sins with a tsunami of destruction. To take my heart and pull it like taffy, to ruin me. I look at you and see nothing but ugliness.


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "MAX: We are all masters of our own ship so there’s that. "

MAX: We are all masters of our own ship so there’s that. 


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "MR. GODWIN BAXTER: Well, technically you are your baby. And also I suppose you are your mother. But also neither."

MR. GODWIN BAXTER: Well, technically you are your baby. And also I suppose you are your mother. But also neither.


Poor Things Movie Quote saying "BELLA: It is hard to be in a position where one wants to hit someone who is already in obvious pain."

BELLA: It is hard to be in a position where one wants to hit someone who is already in obvious pain. 


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