Creativity and Design Quotes

Creativity and Design Quotes by carious Creative Personalities, "Great Design is Eliminating all Unnecessary Details..." (Minh D Tran)
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Creativity and Design Quotes

"There are three responses to a piece of Design - Yes, No and Wow! Wow is the one to aim for..." Milton Glaser

"There are three responses to a piece of Design - Yes, No and Wow!
Wow is the one to aim for..." Milton Glaser

"Creativity is Inventing, Experimenting, Growing, Taking Risks, Breaking Rules, Making Mistakes and Having Fun..." (Mary Lou Cook)

"Creativity is Inventing, Experimenting, Growing, Taking Risks, Breaking Rules, Making Mistakes and Having Fun..." (Mary Lou Cook)

"Great Design is Eliminating all Unnecessary Details..." (Minh D Tran)

"Great Design is Eliminating all Unnecessary Details..." (Minh D Tran)

"Everything has its Beauty, but not Everyone sees it..." (Andy Warhol)

"Everything has its Beauty, but not Everyone sees it..." (Andy Warhol)

"Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more..." (Alexander Isley)

"Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more..." (Alexander Isley)

"Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more..." (Alexander Isley)

"Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more..." (Alexander Isley)

"Creativity is a combination of Discipline and a Child like Spirit..." (Robert Greene)

"Creativity is a combination of Discipline and a Child like Spirit..." (Robert Greene)

See Also : Dancing in the Rain 

"Good Design is Good Business." (Thomas Watson Jr.)

"Good Design is Good Business." (Thomas Watson Jr.)

"Creativity is Intelligence having Fun..." (Albert Einstein)

"Creativity is Intelligence having Fun..." (Albert Einstein)

"An essential aspect of Creativity is not being afraid to Fail." (Dr. Edwin Land)

"An essential aspect of Creativity is not being afraid to Fail." (Dr. Edwin Land)

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